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The Answers You Need

Successful PR application will grant you a PR status, which comes with many benefits:

  • It paves the way for you to Singapore Citizenship. With Singapore Citizenship, you will have the same rights as those who are citizens by birth.

  • Grants you the right to public housing (HDB) and other properties.

  • Freedom to switch jobs whenever you want without being required to re-apply for a Singapore work permit.

  • You will be allowed to travel out and into Singapore without having to apply for any additional visa.

  • Grants you access to the country’s pension system – Central Provident Fund – so you will have funds to use when you retire.

  • Singapore will place your children higher on the country’s priority list, allowing them to attend their preferred schools and colleges.

  • You will be able to apply and get various loan schemes because PR status grants you access to the loans and increases the chances of your loans being approved. 

To apply for a Singapore PR status, you must meet the set criteria. You must belong to the categories listed below for you to be eligible to apply:

  • You are eligible for a PR application if you are a Student Pass holder who has lived in the country for two or more years and has also passed one or more national exams. Examples of national exams are GCE or PSLE / ‘N’ / ’O’ /  ‘A’ levels. 

  • You need to be an Entrepreneur Pass, S Pass, Personalized Employment Pass, or Employment Pass holder

  • Husband or wife of a Singapore PR or Citizen 

Am I eligible to apply for a PR status in Singapore?

A standard PR application usually takes between four and six weeks. After sending in your application, you will receive the result after four to six months. It is, however, important to note that some applications take longer, depending on the validity of the documents that have been submitted and the application type.

How long does a PR application takes?

You will receive the outcome of your PR application via post. If you are successful, the ICA will notify you. The ICA will then require you to schedule an appointment through their mobile app or their website. 

How will I know if my PR Application is successful?

You will have to attend the appointment in-person to complete all the formalities. The appointment is held at the Permanent Resident Services Centre, which is situated on level 5 of the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) building. It is also where you will collect your Entry Permit or Re-Entry Permit.

If my application is successful, must I be present physically to complete the documentation?

If your application is approved while you are based overseas, you will have to apply for a re-entry permit so you can travel to other countries as a Singapore permanent resident for up to 5 years. The re-entry permit is also issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority. 

What happens if my PR application is approved while I am based overseas?

Re-entry permits can still get rejected even if the applicant has an approved PR application. This mostly happens to permanent residents who stay out of the country for a significant period after being granted Singapore PR status. This happens because when the government approves an application, it is expected that the person commits to the country and contributes to it. To avoid possible rejection of your re-entry permit renewal, ensure that most of your time is spent in Singapore.

Is it true that Re-Entry Permit Renewal can still be rejected even with an approved PR application?

The ICA does not make public the reasons for the rejection or approval of Singapore PR applications. They do this to ensure that other applicants do not submit false documents or modify documents with an aim of cheating the system. This makes it very difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons behind every rejection. To avoid rejection, ensure that you are submitting all the required documents. Also, ensure that you are eligible for a PR application.

To increase the chances of your application being approved, you should have a cover letter. It will help make your PR application look unique, thus standing out from others. Don’t get us wrong. A cover letter is not among the documents required for an application. We only recommend it because it will make your application look more convincing. 

What are the possible reasons for a rejected PR application?

The information regarding the percentage or rate of SPR application approval per year is strictly confidential. It is not available to the public. The approval rate may be adjustable periodically.

What is the exact official percentage or rate of PR application approval per year?

If you do not want your son to serve NS (National Service), you may leave him out of the PR application. However, you should keep in mind that your decision to include the members of your family in your PR submission is among the most important factors that contribute to a successful PR application. If you are looking to live in Singapore with your family (children and spouse), your application stands a higher chance of being accepted because it shows that you intend to sink your roots here and contribute positively to the country for the coming generations. 

You should combine your family PR applications as it strongly suggests to the ICA officers that there is a strong desire to commit to Singapore and contribute to the country as a single-family unit. Therefore, regardless of the pass or passes your family members or spouse are holding onto, you should submit your PR application together.

The parliament released a statement in 2014 stating that there will be dire consequences for National Service-liable Singapore permanent residents who relinquish their permanent resident status so that they don’t serve their National Service liability. What’s more, their future of immediate applications for renewal of Re-Entry Permits for their parents as well as immediate family members may also be adversely affected. So, if you don’t wish your son to be part of the National Service, leaving him out is the best thing to do. 

If your parents are Singapore Citizens or PR, they can sponsor your Singapore PR or Citizenship application if you are not yet 21 years of age and you are not married. However, if you have attained the age of 21, or if you are married, your parents cannot sponsor your PR application. You will be the one to submit all the required documents as an adult and an individual applicant. In that case, your own merits will be used to grant or reject your PR application. 

Local academic qualifications obtained from local institutions can boost your PR application. If your diploma or degree is from a locally recognized institution, your case will be stronger. Besides, having studied in a local institution shows that you have already been able to embrace, integrate with, and adapt to the local Singapore culture. 

You might be wondering if switching jobs, especially during the process of permanent residence application process period will have any negative effect on the outcome. Well, there are no negative consequences should you find it necessary to move from your current job to a better one during the PR application period. Just ensure that you are not constantly switching jobs. 

If you are already considering switching to another company, it is a wise decision to inform the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority and provide them with any relevant documents, which may include the new employer’s Annex and a copy of the newly acquired work pass.

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